Tuesday, October 2, 2007

You're Not Gonna Pass Me!

So I’m driving along, minding my own business, traveling my usual speed of about eight miles per hour over the speedlimit when I realize the driver in front of me is traveling at a speed a bit slower than I am. As I approach the individual, I realize they’re not going to move over and let me pass safely by, so I change lanes and have to make my passing movement to the right. Then, just as I pull alongside them, they speed up and prevent me from passing safely.

Why? Why do some drivers do this? It’s unsafe, it creates road rage, and it’s down right rude. Come on, drivers. If you don’t want to be passed on the right, stop driving slow in the fast lane. If you don’t want to be passed at all, drive faster.

Oh, and then there are the drivers that force you to pass on the right and then speed up as you’re passing them forcing you to brake and slow down because they’ve boxed you in behind another vehicle. Once you’re boxed in with nowhere to go, they slow back down and keep you there as long as they can.

Why? Why would any driver act like this? We’re not riding around on scooters, or driving Big Wheels. These are huge chunks of metal and plastic and fiberglass, hurtling down the freeway at speeds of 60, 70, and 80 miles per hour. You would think driving reckless would be the last thing any one would want to do. You would think injuring or maybe even killing someone would be the last thing you’d want to have to live with the rest of your life, but then again, perhaps the reckless driver is also the kind of driver who would hit and run.

Which kind of driver are you? Be safe. Drive safe.

Just another pet peeve from The Traffic Guy.

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